
Autumn tea Learn more about Autumn tea

  • Autumn tea is listed to welcome the "examination": who dominates the ups and downs of Tieguanyin or white tea?

    Autumn tea is listed to welcome the

    The ancients said that spring tea is bitter, summer tea is astringent, it should be good, autumn White Dew, the autumn white dew here refers to autumn tea. Nowadays, it is the peak picking season, and autumn tea picking in major producing areas is being carried out vigorously, preparing the taste buds of consumers for the taste of autumn. It is understood that

    2016-03-20 Autumn tea on the market welcome " exam " Tieguanyin who is white tea?
  • Which kind of tea is the best in spring, summer, autumn and winter?

    Which kind of tea is the best in spring, summer, autumn and winter?

    As the ancients said, "Spring tea is bitter, summer tea is astringent, it should be delicious, autumn White Dew." Regardless of whether these descriptions are accurate, it can be seen that tea in different seasons has different characteristics in people's perception. People who know a little bit about tea are buying tea.

  • Tieguanyin autumn tea accounts for 70% of the sales.

    Tieguanyin autumn tea accounts for 70% of the sales.

    After the National Day, autumn tea in Guangzhou market has been fully listed. A reporter from the New Express visited several major tea markets in Guangzhou and learned that the current autumn tea market is mainly selling mid-range Tieguanyin. Chen Chao, a tea merchant specializing in Anxi tea in Fujian Province, told New KuaiBao that compared with previous years, this autumn

    2016-03-20 Tieguanyin Autumn Tea listed Mid-range Tea sales 70% National Day
  • Division of spring tea, summer tea and autumn tea

    Division of spring tea, summer tea and autumn tea

    The division of spring tea, summer tea and autumn tea is mainly based on the seasonal changes and the intermittent growth of tea shoots. Under the climatic conditions in China, except for a few tea-producing areas in South China, tea tree growth and tea harvesting are seasonal in most tea-producing areas: the tea harvesting period in Jiangbei tea area is from early May to late September, the tea harvest period in Jiangnan tea area is from late March to mid-October, and the tea harvest period in southwest tea area is from late January to early December. Tea areas belonging to subtropical and temperate regions, including rivers

  • On the technical measures for the production of summer and autumn tea

    On the technical measures for the production of summer and autumn tea

    The output and output value of summer and autumn tea account for about half of the whole year. Doing a good job of summer and autumn tea production is very important to win a bumper tea harvest and increase local financial revenue and the economic income of tea farmers. Therefore, all localities must take effective measures to improve the quality of summer and autumn tea, grasp the production momentum of spring tea, and seriously do a good job of summer and autumn tea production. To this end, the following technical measures are put forward. First, increase the application of topdressing and spraying fertilizer outside the root. It is better to apply fertilizer early for summer and autumn tea. Generally speaking, fertilizer should be topdressing in time after the end of spring tea.

  • The difference between autumn tea and spring tea

    The difference between autumn tea and spring tea

    People who are good at drinking tea need to consider the time of the season. Generally speaking, tea is divided into three seasons, including spring tea, summer tea and autumn tea. So, what is the difference between different seasons of tea in the process of drinking tea? As the saying goes, former tea is as expensive as gold, spring tea

    2020-11-09 Autumn tea and spring tea the difference drinking tea very fine people yes tea
  • Picking autumn tea during National Day holiday

    Picking autumn tea during National Day holiday

    Tea farmers pick autumn tea in an ecological tea garden on the outskirts of Zhaoping County, Hezhou City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous region on October 2. During the National Day holiday, tea farmers in Guangxi, Hubei and other places are still busy in the tea garden, going up the mountain to pick autumn tea. Xinhua News Agency sends (photo by Huang Xuhu) October 2, Tea

    2016-03-20 National Day long Holiday picking Autumn Tea October 2nd Tea Farmer in
  • Discrimination of spring tea, summer tea, autumn tea and winter tea

    Discrimination of spring tea, summer tea, autumn tea and winter tea

    Spring tea: due to moderate temperature and abundant rainfall in spring, coupled with the recuperation of tea trees in autumn and winter, spring tea buds and leaves are fat, emerald-green, soft, fresh and fragrant. In the literature of all previous dynasties in China, there are records of "spring tea is the most expensive". Summer tea: due to the hot weather, tea buds and leaves grow rapidly, and the extracts that can be dissolved in the tea soup are relatively reduced, so that the tea taste is not as fresh as spring tea, the aroma is not as strong as spring tea, and the taste is more bitter. But summer tea is high in theanine and caffeine, so it is suitable for

  • Tea tree autumn and winter management "six-step song"

    Tea tree autumn and winter management

    Tea tree after a year of picking, the tree body is greatly damaged, autumn and winter if timely tending work, to speed up the recovery of tree body, cultivate strong tree vigor, to win the next year tea quality and high yield is very important. Therefore, tea farmers should do a good job in six aspects. One is autumn farming. Tea tree picked spring, summer, autumn tea, fully absorb the underground nutrients, soil becomes more hardened, if fertilization at this time, is not conducive to tea tree absorption. Therefore, after the tea garden is closed and tea picking is stopped, a shallow ploughing, loosening,

  • How should White Dew drink Fuding white tea today?

    How should White Dew drink Fuding white tea today?

    The 24 solar terms of White Dew, as the saying goes, "Yin is getting heavier, lingering and dew, hence the name White Dew." White Dew's solar term temperature began to drop, the weather turned cool, and there was dew on the plants in the morning. White Dew is the first solar term in September. The dew is due to Wen.

  • Distinguish spring tea, summer tea, autumn tea and winter tea by dry leaves

    Distinguish spring tea, summer tea, autumn tea and winter tea by dry leaves

    Spring tea: spring tea is characterized by tight knots, fat and heavy buds and leaves, rich aroma and occasional young fruits the size of mung beans. Summer tea: the rope is loose, the tea is light and loose, the tender stalk is thin and long, the tea fruit is the size of a rosary, the bud tip is often fluffy, and the aroma is slightly old. Autumn tea: tea is of different sizes, the leaves are thin and thin, and the aroma is peaceful, occasionally sandwiched with tea buds and flowers. Winter tea: the appearance color of tea is slightly light emerald green, the yellow piece of Mao tea is a little more, and the overall color is uneven.

  • Good tea put down its value and return to rational consumption.

    Good tea put down its value and return to rational consumption.

    The core hint is when Anxi Tieguanyin Tea's autumn tea is on the market. The reporter visited several villages and towns in Anxi County and found that the weather was beautiful this year. During the autumn tea picking period, the weather was cool and rainless, the quality of autumn tea was very good, and the value of tea was gradually rationally regulated. Many merchants turned to focus.

    2016-03-20 Good tea put down worth return rationality consumption core hint
  • Discussion on the technology of increasing the output of high-grade tea

    Discussion on the technology of increasing the output of high-grade tea

    With the development of China's economy, the improvement of people's living standards and the deepening of opening up to the outside world, high-grade tea is more and more favored by the market, and the sales volume is increasing year by year. Therefore, how to improve the output of high-grade tea has become an important research topic in tea production. For this reason, the author has carried on many aspects of technical discussion, explored some experience, and achieved good results. The main links are introduced as follows: 1 strengthen the fertilization of tea garden in autumn and winter, apply sufficient base fertilizer in winter, increase the application of available nitrogen fertilizer, give full play to the spring effect of fertilizer, and make spring tea excellent.

  • Effect of fertilization methods on the quality of Tea

    Effect of fertilization methods on the quality of Tea

    Effect of fertilization methods on tea quality 1 Test method 1.1 the test site is Wenshan tea garden in Rizhao City, which is located in Donggang District, Rizhao City, Shandong Province, and the experimental tea garden is Huangshan population. 1.2 Reagents and equipment main reagents: hydrochloric acid,.

  • How to fertilize tea in autumn?

    How to fertilize tea in autumn?

    How to fertilize tea in autumn? Please guide the tea garden now is a good time to fertilize, based on your own experience to briefly introduce the tea garden autumn fertilization problem. In production, many farmers are used to fertilizing tea in spring, do not pay much attention to autumn fertilization, and like to apply urea, ignoring phosphorus and potassium fertilizer and medium.

  • The flowers in the world are in full bloom, but it takes time to slowly boil the tea.

    The flowers in the world are in full bloom, but it takes time to slowly boil the tea.

    On the first day of the holiday, whether the mud on Phuket Island was blocked on the road or in the scenic spot. Shaoyao didn't go anywhere today, cleaned the balcony at home, then made a cup of scented tea and read in the warm evening sun. At the beginning of a little cool.

  • Distinguish spring tea, summer tea, autumn tea and winter tea by brewing

    Distinguish spring tea, summer tea, autumn tea and winter tea by brewing

    Spring tea: when brewing, the tea sinks quickly, the aroma is strong and lasting, the taste is mellow, the soup color is clear and bright, the bottom of the leaf is soft and thick, there are many normal buds, the veins are dense, and the green sawtooth is not obvious. Summer tea: when brewing, the tea sinks slowly, the aroma is not high, the taste is bitter, the bottom of the leaf is thin and hard, the "terminal bud is not obvious" is relatively more, the leaf vein is thicker, and the leaf margin is serrated obviously. Autumn tea: the aroma is not high, the taste is light and slightly astringent, there are many opposite leaves, the leaf margin is serrated obviously, and the leaf size is different. Winter tea: mild aroma and softer taste than spring tea

  • Identification of Spring Tea, Summer Tea and Autumn Tea

    Identification of Spring Tea, Summer Tea and Autumn Tea

    In winter, the main growth part of tea plant is in the root, while the synthesis of amino acids is synthesized in the root of tea tree and then transported to the top. After hibernation, tea trees store a lot of nutrients; weak sunlight in winter and spring and slow growth of tea trees are the main factors for the formation of some aroma substances in tea. Therefore, spring tea has the advantages of oily color, rich aroma, strong taste, soft and thick leaf bottom. There are general spring tea are relatively fat and heavy, more hairs, fine veins of the leaves, leaf edge sawtooth is not obvious. Summer, Wen

  • When is the tea usually picked in our country? What are the technical points?

    When is the tea usually picked in our country? What are the technical points?

    What we usually call tea generally refers to the leaves and buds of tea trees, which can be eaten, used medicinally and brewed for drinking, and need to be picked and processed. When is the tea usually picked? What are the technical points? 1. The basic situation of tea. The distribution of tea and

    2020-11-09 In our country tea generally is when picking technology
  • Tea event in August-cultivation

    Tea event in August-cultivation

    1. The picking of the three teas is judged that this year's spring tea is a little later than in previous years, and the late birth of the three teas is expected. If the tree is strong and fertile, tea can be picked in the first ten days of August. Due to the delay in the picking period of the third tea, the autumn buds in the autumn pruning period could not be sufficiently hardened, resulting in a reduction in the production and harvest of spring tea in the coming year. 30 days after the opening of new leaves, the leaf area reached the maximum, and then hardened completely, which took about 90100 days. Tea garden where three teas are not picked, August
